Isolation: The Ultimate Booster to Increase the Quality of your Endodontic Treatment

Feb 03, 2023 | 13:00 | Kakatua Room | 30 Participants


The Outcome of the Endodontic treatment depends not only in the proper shaping, cleaning and packing of the canal, but even on the maintenance of an high level of infection control during the whole treatment. Infection Control in Endodontics, is often associated to the Cleaning during the treatment; cleaning is an important stage of the Endodontic treatment ad it means the removal of bacteria from the root canal system, but it’s just one out two components of the Infection Control. The second one is the Asepsis and it’s at least as important as the Cleaning. Asepsis means to prevent bacteria contaminate the root canal system and the operator do take care of the Asepsis for the whole treatment. A good Asepsis increases the efficiency of the Cleaning in Endodontics and prevents an early failure due to microleakage in Restorative Dentistry, never forgetting even that prevents transmission of virus as the coronavirus through aerosols formed during medical procedures. The Rubber Dam plays a crucial role on the Infection Control and its proper use increases, according with the international scientific literature, the success rate of the endodontic treatments. The application of the rubber dam is an easy, essential and accessible step for all practitioners and it represents a simple and affordable solution for the practitioners who want to perform their job according to correct biological and ethical guidelines.Aim of this lecture is to go deep in protocols useful to easily apply the rubber dam during Endodontic treatment even in complex cases.

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